
Rob Moody
When I became an Army officer, I knew that I needed to start saving and investing, so I began to read voraciously about investing. Word soon got out that I knew something about investing, and over the years, many soldiers sought my counsel. I discovered that I derived a lot of personal satisfaction from educating people about personal finance and helping them to reach their financial goals.
I first read about the profession of financial planning in 1991, and soon after decided that I was going to become a financial planner. I got into this profession because I want to help people, not take advantage of them by selling them expensive, inappropriate products for large, undisclosed commissions. I have always been a strong advocate of the fee-only approach and have never accepted a commission. Additionally, I have always believed that I should try to maximize my competence since financial planning is extremely complex, and because the client’s financial security is at stake. That is why I earned a master’s degree in the subject as well as four designations and why I constantly strive to improve myself through continuing education. In 2008, I decided to narrow the focus of my practice to investment management.

- M.S. in Personal Financial Planning, Georgia State University
- B.S. in Political Science, cum laude, Stetson University
- Fee-only financial planner and investment advisor since 1995, self-employed since 1996
- Oglethorpe University – Adjunct Instructor in the Financial Planning program
- Price Waterhouse LLP – Consultant in the Personal Financial Services Group
- U.S. Army – Field Artillery officer for four years, stationed in Germany.
- Distinguished Military Graduate
- Florida Academic Scholar
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Georgia State University Graduate Tax Team
- Beta Gamma Sigma (graduate business honor society)
Quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, BusinessWeek, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, Smart Money, Financial Planning, Financial Advisor, Investment Advisor, Bloomberg Wealth Manager, Bloomberg Personal Finance, Mutual Funds, Dow Jones Newswires, Registered Investment Adviser, Reuters, the Atlanta Business Chronicle, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Everything Money Book, Enron Proof Your 401(k), and
- CFA Institute
CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP (with flame logo) are certification marks owned by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. These marks are awarded to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.